how to grow?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *AWE-Jace (01), Feb 6, 2013.

  1. How do you grow fast please post how you grew fast.
  2. You can either do what most ppl do:
    Build all forged 1 beast and a few guilds. When you unlock highlands you can...
    1. Convert forges to guilds/SoS and beast to aviary/CoE.


    2. Covert forges to Sub factories/Foundries(if you seem to be making a lot of gold then I would say do foundries. Convert beast to aviary/CoE. If converting to subs and aviary, then build one at a time and upgrade to lvl3 before building another. If converting to Foundries and CoE, convert all to lvl1 the upgrade all 1 lvl at a time. Build whatever spy buildings u want
  3. Hello Ewok! I can help you… errr… at least, guide you through the primary basics of growing in KaW. Lol. I HATE guides which force you to follow a way, because even if it's fast, it has someone learn nothing of the game.