How much gold do you have? Keep it on your main, every time your alt makes gold, she/he hires your ally, and basically transfers gold to your main. Ally with stats transfers to your alt, who keeps allies, your main keeps gold. When your alt has 200-500b allies, remember small ones 6-6.5b (250k CS min), anyone can hire them. They (clannies, friends) buy your small allies for great stats, and your alt get gold in return. Never ask for hire on WC, liable to get stripfarmed. All the while this going on your alt maintains 0 troops n spies, so she/he doesn't get farmed. Your alt buys land n upgrade to T5 direct on HL, or BC on LL. And keep on doing this. This is the key to using your Alt to grow, both your main n your alt. Good luck.