HOW TO GET T4 GUILD , simple and not to detailed

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DAN-TS, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. This will hopefully be a great guild to kingdoms with a minimum stats of 300k combined!

    Getting lc and t3 complete. :!:

    Firstly to have 300k stats you will have around 15-20 lands with t2 so this part should be easy enough. :mrgreen: Get 20 lands with t2 and occasional maxed t3, then make sure u have half your lands with t3 maxed . Then get 4 more lands with lvl 4 guild to increase plunder and to give ya some good spy stats. Now change all lvl 3 t2 to maxed t3 one by one in one conversion. And now get your last land with guild to be lc :lol:

    becoming lc with t3!!! :eek:
    Now simply make sure you have max plunder and the only thing to say is get 1.330billion and get all t3 ;)

    t4 guild
    Now get 1 lvl 3 t4 getting each upgrade one by one , make sure you do epics! then once you have done that which i know takes a while get 6 lvl 1 t4. :cool: Then upgrade all of them to lvl 2 then lvl 3 etc . make sure before you get t4 that u have 4 highlands.Thwn find your best way and become lcbc in about 1 week-1 month .

    Hlbc and leaderboard.

    This is a brief quick advice for hlbc and leaderboard , its brief because i am neither of them yet lol.
    Now get lvl 3 in one conversion on a Highland one by one and do this to hlbc which is the only way to do it but once u have 28 lvl 3 t4 then get all guilds to sos . Leaderboard wise is just get allies really and be hlbc .

    H H O O P P P E E E
    H H H O O P P P E E
    H H O O P E E E IT helps :!: :!:
  2. That guide was atrocious
  3. I couldnt read it.
  4. I dont understand it...
  5. I feel dummer for having red that post. Makes little to know since. :)
  6. Lol @ resistance. That's the only mistake he found.
  7. Lmao 4 mistakes and he points out the one. Epic fail trollololololol
  8. Dumber*... You got them good crat. I actually didn't understand the thread. Got lost on the first sentence, should i build forges only?
  9. Nm it's not claimed carry on