How To Get Seals?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by HK47, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. Can someone tell me the strategy for getting seals. It seems like every haunt or revenge at least 2 people get a seal. I've done b2b haunts and revenge for quite a while now and have NEVER EVER received a seal. Also on HTE I've never got a horn. Can you please share how to up my chances?
  2. Just keep trying lol
  3. I've got a horn drop from HTE. To up your chances get EE levels 1-5. They increase drop rates from EBs.
  4. That's the problem SEXY I'm trying to make gold to build towers for war but its hard when I never get seals lol
  5. You can buy seals in the marketplace for 59 nobility points. Or you can win them as drops from warbeasts, HtE, haunting, TGL, or TSG. I think there's others that drop them but I can't remember
  6. Drop to a SH.

  7.  that's what I did. 

    On 3 accounts 
  8. Drop to a SH? How does that help?
  9. Keep Trying n Trying.. u'll get it one day :lol:
  10. Extort them from other players. See Valerie the reject for further details.