How to get more $ when u reset

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by golfwang_, May 22, 2012.

  1. Participate in an Epic Battle that you get a lot of money in. Once someone defeats the EB, QUICKLY reset before you are rewarded with the money. You will get the money when you have reset and logged back on.
  2. Umm I think not just do tfo that pays good for smaller players
  3. Hmm I should try tht with my alt
  4. It's an easy way to carry money to next account
  5. If it works itd be very awesome lol
  6. It is tested by me and my friend TWIG-
  7. Hmm thn what eb would give the most gold for tht...cos I'd like to get 1b to start if I reset
  8. We proved that it works just fine...I did NML and used this strategy to reset and it carried over 4 billion
  9. Ok so if I went and did over 1,000 actions in fod reset and then I would get lots of gold?seems pointless I already did my 4 resets and am in highlands I wish I knew about this earlier it would've been much easier
  10. If it carried 4b y so low stats?
  11. It's 11bill for all lowlands plus upgrading and building
  12. Still ppl make his stats with 50m
  13. It carried 4 bill last time I reset
  14. If u do a lot in FOD... U could prob get most lowland and have great stats
  15. I do origins and I get 5 bil in my reset theory :)
  16. You need to get out of the bathroom when your petting that chicken
  17. Then try it, it would be a good amount
  18. It's easy reset trick it's just alot of people mess it up :)
  19. Its better to do a lot in the EB then near the end leave, reset, and come right back and hit once. You will get all of your reward from what you did.