Piss off man, you've already been told where to post questions after your last thread. Are people really this stupid?
You can get mith from: Wars Buying (recently taken out) You now you can only get mithril from warring, so go build up your pots, get some stats, learn how to war and start warring.
Warring. And please leave questions in the Questions Section, not the strategy section. You can also post in CoS-Dillybar's thread saying "Post Questions Here(?)"
Some people don't know about the questions thread, but don't worry I will answer them if y'all are too lazy.
The little noob OP blocked me because he got butt-hurt. I'm going to suggest he unblocks me... Before I make him.
Futurez. Unblock me before I make a fool of you for being a butt-hurt coward. Stop acting like a 5 year old.
Fiddler, he's had it all explained to him before. You can read my wall, it's rather funny, him and his friend were going to get 'pro' players on me! :shock: Then he blocked me and went into mode.