How to Get Maximum Mithril From Wars

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by III____Lord_Doom____III, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. 1.The Attack and Spy Attack Items You use
    2.The Defense And spy Defense Items Your Enemy Uses
    3.The Mithril You Use ( !!!Wait Until You Get The message That All Mithril Used In between Now and Beginning of War!!! )
  2. .... Awful thread, doesn't tell you how to get maximum mithril, it tells you "the attack pots you use" affects the mithril apparently... Lock and restart with a better out together thread
  3. I'm not being rude but please put a lot more effort into your threads. I was hoping for an amazing thread but got something trolls will eat up instantly
  4. Not just trolls... Fairies will transform
    To trolls when their eyes lay upon this
  5. It's a start.....

    But, you could provide a lot more information if it's going to be a guide. Otherwise, you can post the three points and ask others to comment on how (or how much) each impacts mithril payout. Once you've gathered all the info then you can create the guide.
    Good luck.
  6. Mithril that u get from wars is decided by the pot u make ur enimy uses on sucessful Attacks and the pots u use to attack him and u are refunded all mithril used