How to get Max Plunder

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IIIDIIEIIIAIIITIIHIII, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. The bestest way to get max plunder is to build as many guilds as possible and completting Epic Battles For more advice follow me or join my clan
  2. The best way to get max plunder is to buy allies, not to build guilds and hit ebs.
  3. 
    @OP Noob, before you make a thread to help people, you need to learn the game.
  4. you need allies for max plunder. Now let me get everyone who reads this an ice pack for their facepalms
  5. Never believe advice from a 7-day achieved player! Unless they are a known alt of a respected player... usually...
  6. I think this person is confused and thinks max plunder is highest plunder possible which would be building guilds. Just a thought but good answer senorita :p
  7. He/she isnt confused, just has the wrong terminology. At least he/she is trying to be positive and help around. More than what can be said for others around here.
  8. This guy is my new perm farm target
  9. There is a lot of threads regarding this. Please put more effort in your thread if you decide to make one again.
  10. You buy allies to get max plunder :eek:
  11. Their is already a guide stickies for how to get max plunder, so please don't give out false info ;)