How to get items on an EB 

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Sharingan-Madara, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. So I think I have found away to get an item on every eb (that gives items of course). I know that it has been posted that it is random, and I some what agree with that, but I have found away to greatly increase your chances of getting an item. If you are able to be 1# in an eb (You can check in your eb history) your chances go up to an 80% of getting an item in that eb. The more actions you did while STILL being number one your chances go to 85%-90%. And for a 100% chance, you need to be number one with at least 500 more actions then whoever is 2#. (500 hundred is a 100% but 300 is also possible but a bit more complicated)

    NOTE: I know for a lot of you probably think this is really hard, but this thread was only a way to show you on how you can increase your chances.
  2. We know this concept.
    Plus it's random.
  3. -_- it's random they spin a wheel and a monkey picks the name/s
  4. no, just no.

    I'm not mentally prepared to argue with an idiot, so i'll leave it with this.

    Your idea is wrong, it IS completely random, that's how dev's wanted it. THE END.
  5. ... I have been number 1 many times, I have recieved 2 items, both when I didn't care at all. So I'd say it's random, but good try!
  6. I woke up in the middle of the night, emptied on an eb I hadn't joined.

    When I woke I had a new equipment piece. I doubt I was #1 and I certainly didn't do 300 plus actions!
  7. Nope. Two players on reckoning had over 1k actions each! And I placed around 15th with 120 actions and got the hooves first try.
  9. You said if you get 500 more actions it's 100%.
  10. 500 more then the guy in 2#
  11. Well the number 1 and 2 had 800 plus more actions then the rest of us. What would be the difference? The number one only gets the drop if they randomly get it.
  12. @SlayBud

    Please tell me on what day and which eb so I can CONFIRM THIS
  13. Other wise u are a noob posting on my thread and if this is so get off
  14. @op, you have an amazing 0 items! This guide must actually work since it worked for you! I'm going to try it!
  15. I am to low of a level to do so
  16. EB hooves drop:

    Top two.

    [​IMG] I guess I wasn't 15th, but still doesn't change the fact.

    If you want more proof, my clan, first reckoning completed 6 days ago.
  17. Lol @Slaybob

    You have lied on my thread, so as the rules of ToU please get off of my thread
  18. Lied about...?
  19. You said u were number one and two and had 800 and guess wat u didnt