Discussion in 'Strategy' started by crazymartian2, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Follow these 11 easy steps

    1) Make a KAW account
    2) get buildings
    3) get volleyed
    4) Join a clan
    5) do Quests and Epic Battles
    6) hire allies for more plunder
    7) do bigger Epic battles as you get bigger
    8) get better stats for better buildings
    9) Do Estoc war
    10) get items from item Epic Battles
    11) Repeat the steps 2-11

    That's how you get Infinite Gold

    P.S. it takes a while! Lol!
  2. Hmm Seems legit
  3. Exactly it's legit just not what you thought
  4. But it'd awesome look in my other 2 forums RED PALADIN EQUIPMENT and How to become popular
  5. 

    Your intelligence astounds me
  6. LMFAO I kno right
  7. That was so bad it hurt my brain
  8. Or you could invest in a bomb shelter complex. You'd get quite the stash on the east and west coast.
  9. Legit... But implied.
  10. Ok now how many people already know this....du :roll:

  11. Perhaps your next forum can be... HOW TO LOSE INFINITE GOLD,

    Step 1... Make stupid thread n piss off the kaw community by wasting their time

    Step 2... Cry
  12. Im almost out of places to put buildings though :shock:

    Thread is invalid then however the idea of how to lose infinite gold now thats on to something!
  13. Play KaW then you bell
  14. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄ could work
  15. I did the same thing


    And it failed
  16. In theory, everyone has the potential to make infinite gold... It's merely how fast they make how quick aka the income.

    On a graph, we want as steep a rise as possible for gold incoming but in theory everyone can make infinite gold given infinite time