1) Leave the clan Last Rights 2) wait for one of the hemlet heads to notice 3) receive failed ass, scout, stls, and successful atts
I'm confused isn't there a OSW between the two clans, why would you have to leave just for some Inc? Ohhhhhh it's a joke thread ok I get it now.
That's the 2nd time in 6 months of osw against bh, that I have been 0d, well bh is just FULL of surprises!
I think this is his way of saying hes butt hurt Also Gerty where have u been in my newsfeed? :cry: do u not love me anymore
Yes, I am but hurt that I actually got inc from bh, and I'm buthurt that my clan lost most of its active accs due to my clan cheating too
Oh look. It's pinky. The war runner who surrendered so he wouldn't have to get incoming. Get the **** off of any thread to do with LR. You aren't worthy you little *****
im been stripped so many times by ig it aint even funny belle. blah blah blah. i left LR hunny, didnt run from inc LOL sounds silly,just get over it.