How to get good in kingdoms at war

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by MiNG-WilDthanG, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. If u want to know what it takes to get stronger and make more Money in kingdoms at war I recommend u follow these tips I am about to provide to u.
     Hire Ally's they will increase ur plunder bonus so u can make more money
    In the beginning build only forges as they will help u become stronger
    When u make enough money and get far enough build subterranean factories for they provide more strength
    Try to find Plunder Wars for they have you gain more money then Epic Battles
    If ur clan is inactive do quests for they will get u nobility and health crystals to use when ur clan is doing a epic battle or Plunder War
    When u reach 25 lands explored reset for u will get special bonuses
    If u reset refer to Parif' Guide to reseting!
    I recommend u listen to these tips
  2. Says a person with 480k stats (not 488k as his banner proclaims) if you're so amazing at this game, why aren't you larger
  3. Grammar unicorns, attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Cool........
    I really don't care
  5. Those tips do help smaller players and just because he's small doesn't mean they aren't helpful. @ op if you post check grammar before posting or you will get trolled
  6. no no no no please do not follow this guys bad ideas lol

    at the guy saying about grammar... please go get a life not every ones first language is English
  7. lol a middle class noob giving directions on how to become stronger....... This thread probably will not help anyone and you forgot major things on how to GROW
  8.  this is very informative

    Ok it isn't

    Your not that good at these Hun, maybe put more thought into them and explain in more detail and you might have more of a decent forum

    Also rather then just state the obvious tell your readers things they might not know like all the pro's of owning allies (stat contribution)
  9. Lol forges are crap.

    Go hansle noob
  10. @op Sorry but, I only take advice from people who have 2 mill stats. You are not strong. You are sorta in the middle. Now, me? I am tiny. So I am not trying to be a hypocrite. I am sorry, but I mean no disrespect.
  11. Hansel from the start is the best way if you join Pwars or have a osf small enough to hit  normally I convert to hansel at the 900mil land that way I can do a few quest and get a few crystals before hand
  12. If youre going to pw, get cath's, not forges... For eb's stick with forges.
  13. Ok... So you dont know what your talking about.

    Detail is what makes a forum helpful, but not so much I stop reading which is a mistake a lot of people make.

    Sub Facts are not great for Pwars. I you want to have a powerful attack build with T3 buildings then you need 1-5 Maxed Guilds and a variety of Subs, summon circs, and 1 war av.

    My preffered t3 attk build is 3 lvl 4 guilds, 1 war av, 5 sub facts and 15 summon circs.

    I am not a noob just btw. My stats come from an experienced player who recently reset...
  14. If you want*
  15. Most who haven't figured out the game, actually venture into the forums. This is for very early players. They wouldn't be here

  16. If you try to farm him, let me warn you that he is from a giant chain of clans.

    Don't mess with ark.