How To get Armor Fast

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by MH-MexicanMamba, May 16, 2013.

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  1. Can someone tell me how to get armor fast????
  2. Ebs and wars
  3. Buy it from your local armour shop.
  4. Get a job
    Spend money
    But mith
    Buy your armour
  5. I'm right here bud.
  6. Damn it armoury is right
  7. Da fudge?


    Screw you keyboard.
  8. WOW

    Underline, Bold, and Italics barely makes the "*" Noticable.
  9. I noticed it... ._.
  10. Hey blaze I typed incorrectly earlier I meant lord_jeff12 not lord_jeff
  11. Well, as far as I'm concerned. The only known spell that can increase the item drop rate is Estoc's Edge. Although, if you win an Estoc/Rancor for EE you will also win mith that can purchase Paladin Equipment and Rancor Level that gives equipment at the end of the season.

    Otherwise, the item drop rate is random from EBs.
  12. ^Answered perfectly
    Please direct all future questions to Dillybar's thread titled Post Questions Here
    You can usually find it in AT also.
  13. In before op asks what an eb is
  14. look for an ad calling for help to finish eb. drop in with one hour left. crystal 5 times. invite oth ers to help finish. get drop. move onto next call for help. expensive but fun. lol.
  15. Answered.
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