How to get a big payout in ebs

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ProdigalCub, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. The way you get a huge payout in an eb is you have to have a bunch of actions either steals,assassinates,scouts, or attacks the more actions you have the bigger pay you get at the end. I would try to use assassinates because you can do a lot more assassinates than attacks. And don't use pots of you do not need them!
  2. Bvb tell Tommy fl45h said hi.
  3. ._. derp *sets up troll trap*
  4. Lolololol I can make more by using pots in the eb than just assa
  5. A mix of them all is the best, i think!!
  6. *deactivates troll trap*

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