How to get gold instanly Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by L-O-R-D_V-A-D-E-R, Jul 3, 2011.

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  1. This guide will show you how to get 100,000,000,000 Gold instantly

    1. First you must be on your PC, NOT iPhone/iPod touch.
    2. Then go to KaW.
    3. Wall 100 players that are under 50k.
    4. Say you love them.
    5. Change your username 4 times.
    6. Farm everyone in your clan.
    7. leave your clan.
    8. Make 10 people hate you.

    AND THATS HOW YOU GET 100,000,000,000 GOLD
  2. Reported for false advertising
  3. Ban this guy!
  4. Post on my wall for questions
  5. It's only a joke cmon guys
  6. Swabia got banned for something similar, so should you.
  7. There is an easier way. Farm you to reset. If you are this thick to even post this then u will be too thick to reset and so we can make this amount of gold easy.
  8. Say it's false information and its a joke so people shoudn't do this.
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