How to Fix The No Matchup Problem

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Pickled_Pepper, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. We have had no match 3 times so far, and none of those cases were about being too strong or too weak.

    I don't even want to bring up everything the poor worms have done, but they've dropped trillions in BFA only to have low BFA be the reason for their no matchup.

    Yesterday, there were only 55 clans that signed up to war. Of those 55, 9 did not get a match. That's damn near 20% no match rate.

    Plenty of clans have signed up once, lost, and never tried again. I don't blame them. Each 4 hour war lost costs each person as much as 50b if you include mith and pots. It could take days to recover from that. No wonder more clans don't sign up!

    For all the time and effort clan owners and admin spend trying to work around everyone's schedule to make sure we meet the narrow requirements to qualify to get a matchup, we expect a better return on investment.

    At the current rate, clan leadership stands a 1 in 5 chance that all their effort in coordinating these matches will be wasted.

    And that's assuming we actually win.

    Now don't get me wrong, I'm not too keen on massive rewards for no match found scenarios.

    I believe what we need are more clans to sign up. More clans means signing up means less chance of no matchup because there will be more variety of clan sizes and strengths.

    To get more clans to sign up, the devs need to reward participants, even if they lose the war.

    I'm not asking for free handouts. I'm asking for activity-based rewards for participants. Devs need to give people a good enough reason for clans to want to chose war over EB.

    As of right now, that incentive obviously isn't strong enough or else we wouldn't have only 55 clans signing up.

    Thus I propose the following:

    1. Each participant (win or lose) will be awarded mithril equal to the amount of gold they would have earned had they participated in an EB at their size, plus the amount of mith spent on casting the spells for their current war. However, no Rancor's or Estoc's edge will be given. This will give clans motivation to at least participate, so it will be profitable no matter if they win or lose.

    2. Winning clans continue to get Rancor's and Estoc's edge as usual, plus more mith than the losing clan. Estoc's Edge can give winners up to 50% more gold per hit in EBs,and Rancor's edge gives winners a chance at better equipment than the losers. This is how to motivate clans to want to win.

    3. No matchups continue to get access to the paladin EB for a small mith reward.

    I believe with these incentives in place, clans will have no reason not to choose war over EB, and the no match scenario will all but vanish.

    This idea is mine alone and does not necessarily represent the opinion of WarLoR as a clan.
  2. So basically your suggesting ways to get more clans to sign up to reduce the amount of no matches?

    If so,
    Why don't we just make the numbers allowed per war gap smaller, so like weekday wars 28-30 players than weekends 40-42.
    Or whatever, perhaps devs use statistics they have to get the average signups per clan.
    But you get the idea.. :? I hope.. :lol:
  3. "To get more clans to sign up, the devs need to reward participants, even if they lose the war."

    ... most reasonable idea I heard til now ... as doing "the losers' job" only isn't that motivating for ANYONE ...
    ... but I bet some winners which are just used to feel "more impt" may not like the idea ...
  4. Justice, that would be like putting a bandaid on a gaping flesh wound. Clans are trying once and giving up. We need something to keep clans coming back and for more clans to give war a chance.

    I think restricting the clan roster size more than it already is will be a temporary fix that will still result in fewer sign ups in the long run because of all the risks associated with losing.
  5. We've had 14 no matches.

  6. Risks are part of war. More risks I say. 
  7. Iv got a way get rid of ee and do the endurance idea instead and the winners get mith and gold for the top 10 with the same prices u get from ee wars
  8. There needs to be more compensation for a no match, they think they can palm us all off with some crap EB..

  9. But no match people should get compensation.
  10. more "risks"? ... for whom? ...
  11. Nothing will ever be done unless we someone get all clans to go on "EE Strike"
  12. Val, the idea is that with more sign ups, you will have less no matchup scenarios. In theory anyway.
  13. Justice, I did say that no matchup clans should continue to get a small mith reward with the paladin EB.
  14. Yep, losers in war should be given mith for their fight, would also mean even if losing youd get people that actually tried.

    Maybe the mith for losers would be less payout than the winners, but at least something substantial. That way, even in "Uneven" matches, the losers can't complain.
  15. Scrap fair matches,match people like:


    A and B
    C and D
    E and F
    G and H

    Yea, some of the wars WILL be obviously unfair, but no one can complain about it if they are rewarded with mith. Maybe only the winners receive the rancor and EE.
  16. Exactly what I said lol 
  17. Well, not the matchup part but the EE and RE for winners only part.
  18. Support this

    Although VALs idea of an "EE Strike" may get devs to listen to great ideas like this as opposed to just ignoring/not even reading them.

  19. Incentive is good 
    Devs won't ever listen to it though.