how to fix EE WARS

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llllNOOBlllllMAGNETllll, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. ok so everyone hates this no match bs and paladins eb. why can a clan throw a war because they dont like the matchup and get more mith from paladins than the clan who actually wants to war? how about clans that just sign up so they lose and farm mith from paladins? its all junk. no matches junk.

    so what to do...

    option1) increase paladin payout to 40-50 the average mith rewarded per person per war and keep losers mith at 12-14. This will eliminate people not casting in bad matchups and torching the mith payout of the stronger clan. 2nd why do we have to lose money hitting this eb?....with haunt x3 out there i cant see any reason why x3 haunt payout shouldnt be a reward as a bonus if you get stuck with a no match.

    option2) remove no matches all together. in pro sports if a dominating team faces the worst team they don't say hey...maybe we will play next year take the day off. no. sports leagues do revenue sharing. so keep your hit ratio and if your matchup falls into the category that would not have matched previously if you lose in a blowout you take the winning teams mith payout and give a percentage of that to the losing team instead of paladins. this will eliminate people from not signing up to avoid certain clans they can't beat.

    bottom line if you keep the no match in paladins needs to be a better reward for not having a war. higher gold and mith payouts is a must to make losing out on warring ok. you also need to award 1 rancor level for no match win because the clan signed up and its not their fault they didnt get a match its your hit ratio math.

    so lets recap...if you want to continue no match raise gold to haunt x3 levels and mith payout to 40-50 the average of what you would have gotten warring.

    if you delete no match and bad matchups out of hit ratio or a certain gold difference is reached give the losing side a percentage of winning teams mith payout based on actions same as winning side paid but say 1/3 total mith divided for losing side.

    you need to fix this war system all the these no matches are getting annoying and watching certain clans steamroll clans they shouldnt be warring is making more people not want to war. so eliminate all the bs and make things better. its not right tat someone can signup for 4 wars in a week get all no matches and get what 48 mith when almost everyone gets that from 1 war alone.

    its your formula that is broken. do what you can to make warring better since you can't come up with a workable formula.
  2. No, just no.
  3. Dont bother reading. Its just an alt
  4. If you only get 15 mith in a war,youre doing something wrong.
  5. How about no mith at all for no match, I would support that

  6. and you are a noob with no equipment who probably has never warred. who has no opinion because you have no knowledge of wars.
  7. I can't understand. So much text in such format is just… *eyes burn* .

  8. 15 for paladins learn to read
  9. Lol. Learn to write before asking others to learn to read. Structure sentences in a more organized and understandable way and criticism would probably be more constructive.
  10. Hmm statless alt called my acc noob. Atleast i have stats. Plus consider this amazing posibility…… what if this is alt as well. Oh ****. Mind blown isn't it??
  11. I like the 1 rancor for no match idea.
    The rest of it is utter garbage though.
  12. Im not sure how to quote,but you said people who get more mith than people who want to war from VP

    You then say to increase paladin mith to 40-50 and 12-15 for loosers.

    Please make sense in your post before you critize others.

  13. whats not to understand if you lose 12-14 . if you no match 40-50. not hard.
  14. So... sure next give people who purposely get nomatches 40-50 mith makes sense, you indiot
  15. Oops... *idiot
  16. I think op knew this was coming, thats why posted with statless. Atleast he has few brain cells.
  17. IMO, the only way to eradicate the build issue is to scrap current builds altogether. Create a small number of builds that are balanced amongst themselves that are chosen before the war.
  18. Why not pit the no matches with people that won but restore their troops first?