how to find good targets?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TotallyNotCanuba, Aug 12, 2010.

  1. hey i know this should probably go in the Q/A section but i think this is strategy. so the question is how an attack build should find good inactives, osfs, etc to hit. any answers thanks in advance!
  2. Well inactives dont have much money but large osfs r good
  3. one way is to go through battle and check walla for post dates. if they're all 50+ days old, chances are they're inactive
  4. What I do is go to the search and look for people who's hire price is insane, like above 20-30mil but don't have maxed out stats. Then I look to see if they are in a clan: chances are if they are inactive they will not be. Also look to see if nobody owns them; sometimeeees inactives have no owner. And lastly the wall post date stamp, if it says "long ago" they're most likely inactive.
  5. Well at my level I look at my hire price and type my own price (not exact) and look at ppl under the allies tab and if there not in a clan and the last post on their wall was like 20 days I put them on my special list and post on their wall 'hey man how u doin' so it makes ppl looking for inactives look at this one and get turned off also if they reply then well they r inactive
  6. The main ones are to check posts and bonuses like people said, and also check if they've won battles, if they've done quests, and their achievements, if they don't even have the active for 7 days or any of those chances are their are inactive
  7. Hmm soon i will post the farms that are available. Do not worry about it.
  8. thanks a bunch guys
  9. I would just lurk in chat, ppl wall, & find a good inactive, or osf