How to EFFICIENTLY use seal (Only for B2B)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Assasin_for_Hire, Dec 31, 2013.

    This only works if you're doing B2B HTE.

    So each item phase on HTE equals to about 10-12b each. Now if you're doing let's say you do 18 HTEs in one day and it takes you 1 hour each plus the 6 hours (15min till EB starts) that's 24 hours so 18 HTEs in one day.

    Most seal clans have the policy 1 seal gets you 4 days.
    And Ph1/2 are for seal dropper

    Well i've got something NEW i say new because i haven't seen and seal clan doing this yet.

    Phase 1 seal user gets it
    Phase 2 is FFA

    "Wait a second, if i'm seal holder this is hurting me!"

    • At first yes it does you won't make your 10-12b off your 2nd phase BUT you'll make more later on.
    Each phase as i said before gets you 10-12B so you drop your seal first day , alright sweet now the next 4
    ( or however many days it is policy )
    You'll be able to hit everyone who drops ph2.

    Well lets say you only hit 6 of those 18 HTE's phase 2 and you get 1b plus of each one that's 6b in one day off ph2 now let's say you do that for 4 days ( or however long the policy is for ) that amounts to 24b instead of 10-12b

    And that's only if you hit 6 out of those 1hr long 18HTEs in one day !
    Now if you're on that KaWCaine (like me) i've taken full advantage off that here at FBI I've probably tripled my gold without doing PH2 !

    Now if you're not on as much i recommend you go into a B2B that does it in like 30 mins :p

    This works with moths too! With Ph1 only i got around 110 moths, with ph2 you get about 140 or so if you hit the item phase eventually it has the same effect as gold you make more moths !

    And now that i got that out of the way time who wants to join me at FBI :cool: we've started rolling this out and everyone here is damn happy! Three of our members are on the Top 25 leaderboard for moths so this is working!

    That's all for now folks catch you later :)
  2. This thread is so hot. Thx babe
  3. Interesting.
  4. We've been doing this for months now, an I've seen some other clans doing it to. We do wars too, so it's not always HTE, but it's B2B outside with p1 to seal holder and FFA p2. We don't take any non-warrers though
  5. There it is! Wow nice thread and idea. Good job Krieg. 
  6. Genius!!!!!!
  7. That's pretty clever. Nice.
  8. Brilliant Idea
  9. Drop your seals over here ;D
  10. Hmmm interesting
  11. I thought of this. And asked in WC if any clans did do this. But no one answered. Thanks for making a thread for me I didn't feel like going through the effort.

    I think all clans should participate in this if they give a quick 30 min escape and have 4-5 day passes
  12. One counter arguement.

    I will not be online to respond so here it is

    This does NOT work with moths. I have done this to test with moths earlier today.

    I hit in escape 1 unload 1 xtal. Got 120 moths or so

    Then I hit 1 unload 1 xtal and part of phase 2 and got 54 moths.

    This does not work for moths for me, so if you are in it for the money, do FFA phase 2, if you are in it for moths, unload no pots.
  13. It worked for me with moths and with everyone else in clan :p
  14. We give seal users choice if they want both phases or not c:
  15. This tactic is the best :p
  16. Actually my main gets about 150 moths for phase 1 and only 120-130 moths on phases 1 and 2
  17. Don't believe malevolent.

    He's an alt of a crazy person
  18. This dude needs an award