How to be Successful (Revised Edition)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Firefly2, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. This is a revised edition of my earlier guide. I made a few changes and added color and fonts. Enjoy!

    How to be Successful

    There are probably a lot of players out there wondering how to grow faster, how to get gold faster, or how to find a good clan. It all depends on how active you are, how strong you are, and what clan you are in. Here are a few tips:

    1. Allies

    Let me make this clear: you will grow VERY slowly without allies. Allies give you three things: first, they give you a stat bonus. This bonus comes from the ally's raw stats, and adds to your raw stats. If you multiply an ally's stats times 50, you will get their attack/defense strength. Second, allies give you money. This can be done by volleying (two players hiring one player back and forth), if the ally resets or quits the game, you get the money as if they were hired away from you. Third, and most important, allies give you a plunder bonus. This increases the amount of gold you earn from epic battles and hitting other players. Each of your buildings has a max plunder cap, meaning that the more buildings you have, the higher your max plunder will go. (There are a few exceptions. Look under Wulf's building guide in the Strategy section of the forums for more details.) A good strategy is to have as much gold in allies as your next land price. For example, if your next land is 3 billion gold, you should have at least that amount in allies. Also, asking for a volley in wc (world chat) would help you a LOT if you are just starting.

    2. Clans
    Clans are a VERY important part of KaW. They give you many things. First of all, they give you a stat percentage bonus. This bonus is determined by different achievements your clan can earn by completing epic battles, going all the way up to 10% bonus to attack/defense. Epic Battles come in 7 categories, from Tier 1 to Tier 7. Tier 1 ebs (short for epic battles), for example, are the easiest. Almost any player can hit one. The ebs get increasingly harder the more your clan unlocks. When you join an eb, you can attack, assassinate, scout, steal, or use items. All of these can be used to hit the eb. If your clan successfully completes an eb, you will earn gold depending on your participation. The more you hit and the more damage you do, the more gold you win at the completion of the eb. This is a very good way to earn gold, as you also get gold from attacking and stealing the eb. A clan can also war with another clan. Basically, this means that your clan hits members of the opposing clan, and whichever clan wins gets some mithril and some gold. (See the War section of the forums for more details.) Clans can be a great help, for they can protect you, give you gold, and, very rarely, give you equipment, which gives you a bonus to your stats. Only certain ebs drop equipment, but they are worth the trouble. Over all, clans are a must if you want to grow.

    3. [/B] Builds [/B]
    The type of buildings you have can greatly influence your growth and strength. Buildings, like ebs, come in tiers, these being Tier 1 through Tier 5 for attack/defense troop buildings (buildings with more attack or defense stats with troops than anything else), and Tier 1 through Tier 3 for spy buildings, spy defense buildings, and defense buildings (towers). Attack/defense troop buildings give you troops, which can have more attack than defense, more defense than attack, or have an equal amount of both. You can use these to attack or defend. Spy buildings give you spy troops, which you can use to scout, steal, or assassinate. Pure defense/spy defense buildings give you a bonus to defense/spy defense, which remains even after your troops are spent. All these buildings vary in price and strength, with Tier 1 being the cheapest yet the weakest, and Tier 5 attack/Tier 3 spy buildings being the most expensive, yet the strongest. The troop buildings that give more defense than attack give a 5% more plunder bonus for that building, making it the most profitable building. There are a few different types of builds:

    The Attack Build
    This build is composed of mainly attack troop buildings and a few spy buildings. This can give you a lot of gold in a battle, but makes you vulnerable to spy attacks.

    The Defense Build
    This build is made up of mostly defense troop buildings and towers. This build is very hard to successfully attack, but is also vulnerable to spies and cannot attack with much power.

    The Hybrid Build
    This build is a mixture of both troop buildings and spy buildings, with a few defense/spy defense thrown in. This build is great for both attacking and using spy attacks.

    The Hansel/Pure Spy Build
    This build is made of mostly spy buildings, with a few troop buildings. This makes it vulnerable to attacks, but can earn a lot of gold from an eb and can win almost any spy action. A Pure Spy is a build made of just spy attack buildings, nothing else.

    Guilds (Tier 1 spy attack buildings) have a high plunder bonus per building as compared to the Stronghold of Shadows. Therefore, when converting from Guilds to SoS (Stronghold of Shadows), be sure to convert all at once or you will lose a large amount of your plunder bonus from allies. (Don't ask me why.)

    A few tips:

    When hitting an eb that you can use items on (see Wulf's guide to ebs in the Strategy section of the Forums), be sure to ask your clan to let you hit it alone, because hitting this section of an eb will pay a lot more in the end.

    Hitting an eb that is your size will pay the most. If your have Tier 1 buildings, hit Tier 1 ebs. If you have Tier 2 buildings, hit Tier 2 ebs, and so on. This will earn you the most gold per hit without not being able to hit, and give you the most reward when you finish the eb.

    When hiring allies, be sure to have as much gold in allies as your next land costs. (Example: If my next land costs 3 billion, I will want to buy at least that amount in allies.)

    Please inform me if this was helpful, this is my first guide.

  2. Another thing their is more helpful threads out their no need to make another one.
  3. PacMan, please only use constructive criticism, Because you probably couldn't make a better one. Thanks.
  4. This is actually a good guide. 
  5. I appreciate the effort, but why bother with this? Are there not enough beginner guides? I think we have to beginners covered. Try something that hasn't been covered, like how to form strong alliances? I can't really think of any need for more guides. It seems like we've got them all covered already.
  6.  Good Constructive Criticism
  7. Oh somethin like what cheese said? Sorry teehee.
  8. Drink a bowl of cyanide, Pac Man.
  9. No idea what that is :(
  10. Moron. You're using a device that's connected to the greatest resource of human knowledge in the history if mankind, yet you're too much of an idiot to think to use it.

    People like you disgust me for so many reasons.
  11. Well, even though I skimmed, I'll criticize something.

    "ask your clan to let you hit items alone"

    If a newbie asked that to me, I would not really help him. Heck, he's not the only one who needs cash :lol: .
  12. What cheese? Show a main please 
  13. Pac man, you are a dumbass.
  14. I'm starting to assume that many people just post what they think, without analyzing the possible outcomes of their words.
  15. How? Oh he doesn't have a main sorry.
  16. If this isn't a main, then what is it?
  17. Cheese already pointed it out.