Rules 1) Build spy towers... Lots of them. Most strippers kill all your spys and strip away. They can't do this if you have a lot of static spy defense. This is specifically why most clans tell you not to buy spy towers. They want you to be weak in case you turn on them. 2) Only keep the minimum amount of allies to meet max plunder. Try to make it one ally and one with horrible stats. If someone strips you at least they will get a suck ally. 3) Buy lots of low dollar allies. This will mask your high dollar allies, so people can't strip them. 4) Don't respond to threatening posts. The parasites feed off of your aggression. 5) Find others to help you in you mission and never lose hope.
You really want to know how to farm?Go pure spy. Drop allies and def/sd pots. Bank in attack pots. Pick a target. Farm. If they have sd pots, only assassinate. Burns more per unload, plus no gold makes you unattackable. Once they're out of sd pots, slowly strip them, a few allies at a time to deal harm over the longest period of time possible. Above all...DO NOT talk to your target or his allies. Successful Farming is mostly a mental game.
And I'm debating if I want to tell you how to effectively disable farmers... But it's not in the spirit of the thread, so I'll pass