How To Be A Good Tracker in Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ColgateFalcon, Oct 15, 2013.

  1. Well hello guys, ive done a few ee wars now and an starting to like the idea of tracking but i dont know if im doin it right. Whenever someone on the opposing team gets KO u record the time nd alert clan at the 12min mark tht this player can come out of KO soon or in 3 mins. Is that simply wat trackers do or is there more to it? Cause i have been recording KOs and SKOs and timing for when they can come back so that my clan can focus on that. (Btw if any clan is in need of a tracker follow me.) And guys if u have any advice on tracking and how to get better at it please let me know. Thanx guys :)
  2. Egg timers with players names on them. Lol I swear in the few ee wars I've done, they have had them.
  3. Read val's thread you scrubble
  4. It's currently at the bottom of active topics. "EE tracking old school"
  5. Will someone bump the tracking guide for me
  6. Use pc and find out your self.

  7. Yea i read tht post shortly after posting this one thnx guys :)