how strong atk stat can hansel have before considered hybrid

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Gondor, Dec 5, 2011.

  1. How strong atk stat can hansel have before considered hybrid? Basically attack builds cannot hit hansels that have no gold out, but how many attack buildings can a hansel have before kaw war mechanics considers a hybrid, no longer a strong hansel? :p :?:
  2. Umm at lest if you don't hav half half your fine
  3. Hmm...hansel is under 25% attck buildings, hybrid is under 50%
  4. The op is hlbc...

    And doesn't even know what a hybrid or Hansel build are

  5. A hansel is still just one attack building. But I think the question you are asking is how many attack buildings can a spy build have before it loses its advantages. On that topic I am not sure and so I won't put out the number I would assume it to be, but I'm curious also to get a confirmed answer
  6. for once we agree
  7. Hansel is only 1 attack building...
  8. I hear a melon coming.
  9. Lol Moose. I spoke to gondor about this earlier and unfortunately I don't know the answer. I could find out, but I'd have to destroy my build one by one until I notice that an attack build is able to attack me.

    I THINK Belle was trying to get some testing in order, but that would require a tonne of different sized hybrids to try and answer the second part of gondor's question.

    But the answer to the first part is.

    HANSEL = 1 attack building, rest spy buildings.
    ATTACK = Less than 25% of total buildings are spy buildings. Rest are attack.
    HYBRID = Everything else. ie. 25% or more of total buildings are spy buildings (and is not a hansel).
  10. Gondor didn't really word his question very well, so let me re-word it so the rest can understand.

    He's not asking how many attack buildings you need to have to be considered a hansel or hybrid (even though it looks like it).

    What he means is, at the moment only players with at least 25% of their buildings as spy buildings can attack a hansel (1 attack building) with no gold. He wants to figure out how many attack buildings a hybrid can have until this rule is no longer in place.

    I currenty have 5 attack buildings, rest spy, and still cannot be hit by an attack build.

    If I had to make a GUESS, I'd maybe say you'd need 25% of your build to be attack buildings to be able to be hit by an attack build. This is not proven, it is just a hypothesis.