So this will be a short thread... If you could choose any one of these to permanently destroy from the face of the earth, which would you select (please remain to the choices) Racism Extremism Poverty Starvation Dehydration Major Illness Climate Change Earthquakes Minor illness Sexism Addiction Thanks for reading, Leavanny
Two words ╔══╗╔══╗╔═╗╔╦╗╔═╗═╔╦╦╗╔═╗╔═╗╔╝║ ╠╗═╣║║║║║║║║═╣║╩╣═║║║║║╩╣║╩╣║║║ ╚══╝╚╩╩╝╚═╝╚╩╝╚═╝═╚══╝╚═╝╚═╝╚═╝
This one is better _________________0 ________________00 _______________0000 ___0__________000000___________0 ___00_________000000___________0 ____0000______000000__________00 ____000000____0000000_____00000 _0_____0000000_000000_00000000___0 00______000000_00000_0000000____00 0000_____000000_000_000000____0000 _000000000__0000_0_000_0_000000000 ____000000000__0_0_0_00000000000 ________000000000000000000000 ______________000_0_0000 ____________00000_0__00000 __________00_______0_______00 ____________________0
Reported for promoting dangerous drugs. I had a cousin who shot up two marijuanas and died. I had to take a red eye flight to attend his funeral at the mouth of cotton bay. he had to be buried fast or else his body would irradiate the toxins and kill more people via something that dopers call "contact high". This is a children's game. Keep your Devils grass away
I'd choose major illness from that list but i'd priortise sexual abuse/slavery & corruption in authority before anything on this list
Poverty Poverty solves Hunger and Water issues. Poverty means horrible living conditions which means with poverty, the spread of diseases are rampant but without it, most outbreaks of diseases are under control Racism and sexism is a perspective issue which the world can change so I wouldnt waste my option on that