How should a mod act?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by SecretKiller, Nov 25, 2016.

  1. THIS IS NOT A BASH ON MODS THREAD. I just want to know your guys opinion. Should mods be expected to be friendly and respectful to all kaw members?

    UPDATE: After some great discussion I would like to change focus to this question;What is the job of a moderator?
  2. Screenshot or it didn't happen
  3. Thank you for making this thread, SecretKiller!

    Yes, I do agree by all means that moderators should be friendly and respectful to all Kaw members, regardless of their kingdom's build size, age, and the way they talk and express their voices! This is in turn will set a positive example for the players in the community as well as the game!

    It is very, very unprofessional for a
    moderator to ever make fun of a player in the World Chat. Unless if it's private message and the receiver is fine with it, there's no problem. But World Chat and forums is a public channel, where every single player can see it! (I'm glad I never see any mod do this, so I think the community's still doing very well at large! :D
  4. who cares
  5. Personally im sick n tired of seeing mods suck up to devs n defend there every action so for me this action from mei signals to me that there are some willing to do there job in a more casual way that reflects the average player.

    So for me id like to see more of this.
  6. If you have nothing to say then please don't comment as it details the thread.
  7. Sorry I don't have one, I didn't think about it till after but people like Eagle did witness it as well.
  8. Hmmm. You seem to be leaving out a good chunk of info.

    You: I'm surprised devs haven't given out Black Friday deals. I hope they are home.
    Me: They haven't done Black Friday deals because it isn't Friday. (note I made no comment towards you saying they were at home)
    Me: Plus they are a Canadian company, they do not celebrate Thanksgiving today.

    You: Yeah, but most places do deals at 6pm.
    Me: You seem to be confusing ata with a retail store.
    Me: Black Friday deals happen on Friday.
    (Note: I still never contradicted your comment about them being home)

    Not once did I call you stupid nor insinuate that you were. I was replying to your comments and clearing up as to why Black Friday deals weren't happening on a Thursday.

    The whole comment about a player's sentence was because the sentence made zero sense. So I said it made my brain hurt. Which was it did.

    As for me "disappearing". Well, I put the phone down because my dog had to go out to poop.
  9. @Sean its extremely rare and normally is never an issue.

    @Parsfan I've never seen mods suck up to devs. I don't mind mods being normal players but they should enforce the rules and be helpful to all players in my opinion. I rarely see players be hostile/mean to each other and if they are mods don't let it happen for long.
  10. I agree I've seen mei say some questionable things on wc. Mods should be respectful no matter what, they are a mod because they wanted to help. So start helping instead of insulting.
  11. He did? Then let's get Eagle in here too. She's already explained her side. Seems to me you're overreacting and trying to cause problems.
  12. Firstly I'm not trying to fight and I hope neither are you. But I never said anything beside that I'm surprised that they aren't doing early deals as they have in the past. I understand why ATA may hold off to not put deals out until tomorrow.

    Secondly I know that the sentence didn't make sense but specifically pointing it out just to say so is pointless and likely didn't do anything besides make the player feel bad. It would of been much more professional to ask them what they meant or ask them to redo the sentence. The closest I can compare it to is if you walked into a restaurant, asked if they had any deals and the waiter said, can't you read the sign.
  13. I'm not looking to fight. I just used what happened as an example. My point is simply how should mods act.
  14. All mods take advantage of their power...Talk unnecessarily in Wc and make plenty of mistakes. It's what someone does after making a mistake that counts, and getting super defensive over an issue is def putting the wrong foot forward..

  15. If you weren't trying to pick a fight then why make the post in the first place? I have a PM and you could have just sent me a message. The only reason why people make these posts is to start things up. I am at this moment just defending myself.

    You didn't just say that. You said more than that. Please dont leave out information and then get mad at me for correcting that information.

    As for the comment? I said what I was thinking. I tend to do that.
  16. Go grab some Girl Scout cookies and some bandages and get over yourself
  17. @Mei I said just that. Do you really think I'm dumb enough to not notice how Black Friday deals may not come out till Friday. I made an observation nothing more.

    As for the comment, Moderators are the face of KAW. When players have issues many times they go to mods, one of the first thing players see when they join are mods. Saying what you think often will lead you into trouble. If that justifies making fun of a player then fine.
  18. This. Exactly.
  19. He or she didn't do a PM because they wanted to see the various opinions of the community
  20. If anything I wish the mods would lighten up more and bake WC more often, not be a bunch of P.C Principles, and stay the hell outta forums.