How NOT to become a Perm Clan Farm

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Immigration-Cheese (01), Aug 29, 2012.

  1. -Don't trash talk
    -Get your facts straight
    -Don't lie
    -Don't be a big mouth

    Resetting will be your only me, I know. I broke all of the above rules and was left with only the option of resetting. I was left with only talking on forums, wc, and pms...I couldn't even ally chat bc I didn't have allies lol. The clan that I joined (knowing they would get farmed) was massacred!

    Now I can only dream of HLBC and T5!

    All I wanted was attention, my mom never loved me (jk)

    Cheeseb :mrgreen:
  2. It's more like how to lessen the likelihood of becoming a permafarm IMO.
  3. Seems legit.
  4. Immigration cheese

    Has the cheese gone all black and mouldy or something??
  5. Oh, look. Immigration cheese strikes again. :lol:
  6. Why do you keep making these?
  7. I think it's "Swiss cheese" hence the immigration status
  8. Seriously, this is uncalled for. Your attempt at humor/sarcasm fails. You, sir or maam, are a fail. Kindly leave the forums and talk trash about Cheese to Cheese. As always, have a good day.

  9. Wasn't this the guy who made the thread "I have reset"?
  10. Seriously? @Moose or any other Mod can we get this guy banned yet?
  11. If I'm not mistaken, impersonation of another person/player is against th ToU and punishable by ban.
  12. That's what I'm thinking Frankenstein.....
  13. who cares!! You think that's bad I was alot worse lol
  14. Totally rude.
    Yeah cheese is a d-bag with a big mouth but hes gettin farmed rightfully by kotfe and thats their bizniz not anyone elses. This immitator is way out of line and not even funny. Its not even needed. Get a life loser.
  15. Cheese, these threads that you incessantly keep creating, speak not only of your maturity, but have likely made anyone in kaw that was on your side lose sympathy for you.

    I use to like you a long time ago, (on my main acct) but you created your own mess, then, keep bringing it up daily.

    Thought you were quitting anyways?? Really simple...
    1) push the button on your idevice to return to home page
    2) press and hold the KAW icon till it starts wiggling and an "X" appears.
    3) press the "X" to remove the application.
    4) Install a forum application for a Chron's disease online support help, cause maybe they'll listen to the crap you're spewing there.
  16. An imitation of Imitation-Cheese......

    Who else saw this coming?
  17. @Bignutz, this is a fake.

    @whoever said impersonating, this isnt impersonating him. If he claimed to be imitation cheese it would be.
  18. The imitator is probably Kotfe. Who else would be annoyed and mad enough to even do this?
  19. Big - That's not cheese. Most of the recent threads haven't been.