Hi, How much plunder a hansel can make in EB (Haunting) in 1 hour without crystals (I.e just 24 hits and 36 assassination ) . Which pots he need to use while hitting and when in order to make max plunder every hour ( off-course hansel with 15b allies ) . Does it matter when hansel hit in haunting during assassination or he should wait till 75% and 25% Seal..... Is available to hit .
I don't think it matters mate when u hit the money is in the pot drops the more you drop the better. But being as active as you can be also helps
The only item used on the bar is the seal of destruction. The pots I use are the 2mill and 7mill pots combined for troops. I never fail from start to finish. For MAX bonus skim your spies with 3-6hits and then wait for regen. As far as how much you make. That depends on your size. But I make more than in A PWar. Also your title doesn't correspond to your question.