How Much CS does the HoarFrost Buildings give you

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ColgateFalcon, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Hey guys, Ive been playing Kaw for a while now and i read the forums heaps, but i cannot find a topic that tells you the CS that the Balanced HF Building gives you and how much CS the Spy Building Gives You. Ive got the plan for my build all ready just wanna see what the HF building gives me to help with my plans.
    Thanks Guys, Colgate :D :D
  2. Wulfs post on lands and buildings page 11
    Id give the link but im on phone
  3. [​IMG]

    From wulf's thread. Sorry, I don't know level 2.
  4. Yea ive seen that one mate thanks tho :) im looking for the actual Ally bonus it gives to your Stats. like 18700/187000 or something like that? :D
  5. Multiply the troop cap by the soldier stat then divide by 50.

    Blood Barracks - 131,202 x 87,462
    Rime Fortress - 99,576 x 131,202
    Elven Temple - 119,860 x 119,860
    Unikari Ice Tree - 82,200 x 82,200 (spy)
    Red War Citadel - 224,480 (def)
    Descry Fasthold - 123,262 (spydef)
  6. 119,860 is how much it gives to both attack bonus and defense bonus.
  7. Wow i didnt know that thanks man :) always wondered how they figured cs out of the building stats :)