How many SoS?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by XxBansheexX, Mar 9, 2012.

  1. im an attack build but im not sure how many Shadow of Strongholds i should have to make it good can anyone help me out :!:
  2. i said atack build not a hansel :evil:
  3. 3-6 of them. The lower the amount you have the more spy defense towers you make. Put those on your lands last though.
  4. 49 SOS wouldn't be a hansel, dumb ass
  5. then what would it be...
  6. Pure spy.
  7. 49 SOS and 1 castle = OSF/Pure spy, not a hansel.
  8. oh sry forgot tht castle counted as 1 well if you said 48 then it would be
  9. No, it wouldn't be, what if you had 48 SOS and 1 guild? Or a tower? Think before you speak.
  10. if you have 48 sos and 1 guild thts pointless lol be better for 1 attck build
  11. Maybe didn't have money to upgrade? You are pointless, go **** off, it's quite obvious nobody here likes you.
  12. You suck at trolling
  13. You suck even more at fail trolling
  14. Surprised op hasn't stripfarmed you, nobody likes a smartass
  15. Lol, you picking a fight with the wrong person buddy
  16. Wut are you saying? That you have other people to fight your fights because you're incapable of sustaining yourself?
  17. your not very far above 200k with your stats...its ok neither am i accept im not to far above 200k with a 1 behind it (1,215,000)
  18. Which is funny, coming from someone your size. How pissed will your clanmates be if they get stripped for something stupid you said?
  19. I'm sorry but where did I say that? Could you please point it out for me.