How many No Matches have you or your clan had?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Big_Bad_MaGoo, Nov 8, 2013.

  1. Soooo a few days ago I was on my 6th, yes 6, no match in a row. Also had like a 4 lose streak going before that as well, half with different clans (yes I'm terrible at KAW). Anyhow a question popped in my head after such sorrow an a smoke:

    How many No Matches have you or your clan had?

    Iv had about 20.
  2. 3,457.

    Yes, I counted.
  3. Lost count after 20
  4. Too many to count.
  5. Too many! And mismatches!!
  6. Just one all season
  7. I would say 1/3 of the wars I signed up for were no match.
  8. This season I was a tracker, but the clan I was in had about 60
  9. *about 6
    Still getting used to my new keyboard lol
  10. We had 2 all season was on 1 of those no match. But when Merc outside around 5 no match.
  11. I've never had a "no match". I don't think KoTFE has ever had a "no match". My guess is people try to manipulate their rosters too much and end up screwing themselves out of a war. Forget the LB/GH combo, and whatever other tactics there are (I have no idea what others are used). Just grab 28 members who want to war and sign up. Never missed a war yet. We do lose some and have exciting, close wars most of the time though. Crazy right? I hope season 3 consists of more war clans fighting, just clans going head to head. Not barcoded GH and LB.
  12. Lol shino tracking. That would be funny to see
  13. Around 15