how many guilds should you have for 25 lands

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *EpicAfroMexican (01), Oct 18, 2011.

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  1. So... Does anyone know I have 2 lvl 4 guilds
  2. It's up to you actually.

    Some prefer having 24 guilds, some prefer having 0 guilds (not very clever).
    Build the amount you want.

    Personally, I'll go for 5 spy attack buildings.
  3. For my build I'm sticking to my 3 SoS's and then I'll put up 3-5 Spy Defence towers.

  4. 4 guilds is a nice number and beats the regular battle list in spies.
  5. I have one SOS lvl1 and the castle 46K spy. Will eventually ug it but 1 is fine
  6. Im gonna return to my 30000 spy #
  7. Up to you I have 30 lvl4 guilds 6 lvl3 sos's
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