How is the Snow near you? The "biggest snow storm to hit New

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by knickm927, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. The "biggest snow storm to hit New Jersey in decades" or the "Historic Blizzard" gave us 2 inches....It literally did not snow in NJ.
  2. We got 20 inches out here in CT.
    Like my dong ;) 
  3. I have 10 1/2 inches

    Oh wait we are talking about snow? Then we dont have any
  4. xD Nice
  5. It's not about how much snow you have. It's about how you plow it!
  6. I have exactly, 0 centimeters. I measured this morning, still the same.
  7. About 27inches. And the snow is about 26.
  8. Nothing in Hull. Hardly even wet.
  9. I bet you have a tiny Snow.
  10. D.C. couple inches
  11. ..and drives a Corvette?
  12. I got less than an inch.
  13. What about the snow?

    ...sorry but that was just too easy had to do it lol
  14. Always covered in it nothing new❄️❄️
  15. 3 feet so far here in Massachusetts. Still have another 8 plus hours to go.
  16. Looks about the same out here in CT
  17. Close to 30" here in northern ct
  18. 12 inches here in NJ. We were supposed to get 2 feet.