How are summer equips items, which were released a year ago, better than upgraded RP items for same slots? They cost less wars, crystals and were awarded mainly to higher stacked clan's due to war mechanics. And now with these sucky EE items I am thinking I rather stick to EBS What you guys think? Thanks
Well said. Clearly the Devs played all of us hyping up their NEW fantastic equipment which is "10% better than the red Paladin equipment"! Lets keep throwing money at them in hopes of New and Improved "Original" equip!
It is completely fair. This summer they are releasing equipment for every slot, so it cannot be as powerful. Also, think about those people who earned last years equipment, it should retain its value fur them, shouldn't it? I think they should just release one or two powerful unique pieces each year.
We should all just stop spending real money and just nobody do EE wars or anything the devs give us b2b haunting!
Reese the items will get better they want to make the really good ones only for the top players I expect. I bet only the last 2 will be worth while honestly.
What really makes me laugh is I can add up all these tear threads and supporters, and will likely see 95% of them back in action, xstals in hand come next season
Front you're probably right! Lol. But EE wars were a big investment in time (just ask our pissed off wives) and I think expectations were a lot higher given the significant time expended. It was a lot of fun but taxing to war all 8 weeks and get 50 pts.
You have to get the ladies to play also!!! Crucial to being a successful kaw junkie. Yeah the weeks are long and definately take it out of you to war nonstop like that for the small benefits they give tho
If you are not sure about war mechanics, maybe ask the peeps at Last Rights how they work. Summer war didnt have to do with just stats and bfa, contrary to EE war actually. Smaller clans could win larger clans easily! Go do your research lol So based on your analogy: summer items should indeed be stronger compared to EE. I bet you or many would agree EE wins are base on matchups which are "lucky wins" since many complained about them being unfair for whichever reason. Outnumbered, bfa, bfe etc