I've always wanted to be a PS1, and am now debating dropping my build to do so. If I dropped my build and used those funds to go PS1, how far would I get, stat wise?
You only get 20% gold back when you sell a building so you wouldn't be able to upgrade very much. Wait till your bigger as the gold needed to build on LL-HL-HF-AB isn't as big of a deal later on so can do it then.
Hansel or ps1? Cause if you wanna have hansel mechs you could just start building spy now and be like 70m/70m/525/525
That moment ps1 is a Hansel... why does no one understand this? Heck, the original Hansel build wasn't Hansel because of the mechanics. The original Hansel is what everyone calls ps1.
Ok, what's a ps1? Is it a pure spy plus one attacking building? Because I always thought that was a hansel.
Lol all the scrubs here PS1 = primarily spy with 1 Troop (that's what people who aren't noobs see it as) Secondly there is a massive distinction between ps1 and hansel mechs in terms of gameplay. With the way the lands are currently set up, it is possible to have hansel mechs while having a build like 550/550/50/50 while a traditional hansel will be 0.1/0.1/640/640 So yes, there is a difference, and clarifying is more useful than your useless cries of "ain't ps1 same as hansel, hur dur"
OK then, explain it to me please. I've played the last month, and I played for about 3 years about 3 years ago. Obviously, things have changed. As such, what's a hansel, and what's a ps1, according to you?
Every single time I've seen anyone write out that acronym it's written as Pure Spy 1 Attack building. That phrase is oxymoronic. That's why people groan when we see it. If it was defined as Potato described it maybe it wouldn't getting the negative reactions. But it's not.
Potato is wrong :lol: everyone calls it pure spy 1 attack building. Never seen Primarily Spy with 1 Troop building. That's PSW1TB.
Does it really make a difference for ps1 and hansel? Like if I were to switch right now would it make a difference in the gold I make??
If your a spy heavy build with one or more attack buildings you are a hansel. If you have no attack buildings your a pure spy. Ps1 is phrase that didn't need inventing..
You're just wrong Potato, plain and simple. It's not primarily spy 1. It's pure spy 1. That's what the acronym meant when the term was coined, and you can't change it now, so it makes sense.