how do you start a war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xXx______Destro______xXx, Dec 25, 2013.

  1. How do you start a war on iPod or iPhone?
  2. Find a clan that says we are protective of our members and attack everyone in it then blame your clan owner
  3. Correct!! Do exactly that to start a war! (More you hit more it lasts! )
  4. It's really quite simple. Here I will explain with a step by step process. This will work for any player in an active clan on the BL or even some random on wc.

    Step One: attack someone a total of 4 times. Stop at 4.

    Step Two: Go to that persons wall and say this: "Don't worry I haven't farmed you yet. I only hit 4 times"

    Step Three: Attack the player one more time for a total of 5 hits.

    Step Four: Go back to the players wall and say: "Now I have." ]

    Step Five: When he returns hits keep hitting him.

    Step Six: wait for the other person to cry like a baby to their clan leader.

    Step Seven: Continue to Trashtalk him until you get a response out of him. Show this response to your clan.

    Step Eight: Annoy the other player to the point where he brings in his clan mates to hit you.

    Step Nine: Ask your clan for support as there are now more than one person hitting you

    Step 10: Go to war.

    The result will be a full fledged war between the clans and possibly allies, or possibly a 1 vs 1 with the other player.

    Hope this helps!

  5. Dirty Larry's method also will work
  6. 5 hits isn't farming
  7. Not to normal people but to an eb noob clan who is protective I members it is. Also if you read you hit him more than 5 times.
  8. Read your step 3 and 4 again.
  9. You miss my point, to a noob clan. 5 hits is usually considered farming.
  10. Hell when you first start off, if anyone hits you once they cry like a baby.
  11. You never state "to a noob clan". Read again
  12. I give up... I doubt this guy is wanting to start a war with ******* zaft for crap sakes
  13. If it's a statless alt it does
  14. 5 hits is the max allowed per day before it's considered farming. He would have to hit 6 times before most clan owners would bother. And members should/would be told to handle it shot per shot if it's just 4/5. OP may be referring to systems wars or EE though
  15. Ok guys, I give up. Ill be sure to bring up these points next time I try to start a war with someone.
    Merry Christmas guys.
  16. No Happy Easter? Ass

    Lol. Merry X-mas as well
  17. That too lol, and happy thanksgiving, happy Hanukah, Quanza, etc.
  18. LOL! I LIKE dirtylarry's idea
  19. Does no one actually want to help this guy or are u just here to troll? It seems to me he wants to know how his clan can initiate a system war but he's having trouble doing it
  20. You start a war by hitting another person's profile. No doubt about that? Or are you trolling instead, L00k?