How do you get rich?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *alpha211 (01), Jan 1, 2011.

  1. Hi I recently started playing and I am worth 1 million but I was wondering how to get richer and better. Any comments appreciated.
  2. Pwars are good
  3. Get allies!!!!!!!!
  4. Here get Allie expensive ones then keep buying them then pwar you get lots of gold do quests to there
  5. Oh and attack inactives so you can farm them
  6. Wall Majesty asking for free gold. You'll be rich in no time
  7. ^^dont do because he'll probley block you from his wall and possibly farm you...
  8. And there's no way to get gold by handing over no trade option here [​IMG]
  9. Don't listen to god4war. He's a noob who didn't follow my advice and is thus a poor hobo.
  10. I'm gonna ignore that cuz that was my 100th post