How do u make money after pwars are eliminated

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by shadowknight2, Oct 30, 2011.

  1. Hauntings if ur in a strong enough clan hit the seals. The no quarter only pays pot thrower. Other quests not as much. Also mwars but they don't happen too often. If ur clan not strong enough try battle royal. It is easy to hit
  2. I do quests and ebs...
  3. Ebs and hit off the battle list
  4. I either use battlelists or use EBs
  5. Interesting...
  6. Are people really getting so stupid they can't figure out how to make gold. There is three easy ways to make gold.

    1. Eb's

    2. Battle list

    3. Quest's

  7. And ally trading (the best way)
  8. I know buy a bunch of nobility and buy gold with it :D
  9. I thought the only way to get gold now was to purchase it from the oracle with nobs. :-(
  10. Ya lol but seal is the best and who's dumb enuf to GIVE U free gold while losing gold
  11. Or you could try hitting people. -.-
  12. Haunting but then reset ._. forgotten ones (with items)
  13. Hitting people is a poor idea. I hit my wife and not only did she not pay me, she called the cops!
  14. Farm inactives... Less likely to hit back than active players
  15. B A T T L E L I S T
  16. Battle list are ur same size about each seal hit gives 30 mil and with the repeat butto u can hit it about 30 times
  17. Attack people newb
  18. Sell all your buildings upgrade your castle then buy as many lands as you can. Then with left over money buy allies and pots. Continuously buy allies. After you have enough to buy last lands, drop them, buy lands and uninstall the app.