how do people make billions and billions of dollars

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -unholy_paladin-, Jun 11, 2011.

  1. I just want to no how people make money so easily
  2. they have good allies and big stats, unlike you,
  3. Go to the strategy section of forums and read the guides :!: good luck.

  4. you are terrible at trolling
  5. Legend i was about to post that :lol: :lol:

    @zero, dont be a FAILtroll, its annoying. Only troll when someone is incredebly(spelled wrong) stupid. Ex/"illegal war" thread
  6. You are correct zero it was failtrolling
  7. Wow, then you are a NATURAL fail?
    You arent making progress here bud...
  8. Stock market usually.
  9. i was just saying that he doesnt have the stats and allies to make billions.

    do you take pleasure in making people feel like ****?
  10. i guess you do!

    /end stupid conversation
  11. The bigger u r, the more u make. I make 27mil a hit. Some people make more than 60mil a hit. 0.o
  12. *LOLZZZ*[/red] 
  13. **** wrong //
  14. Noo... U used the right slash... What happened?
  15. I* gawd I cant type today. Geez. 0.0
  16. /color not /red