how do I make east money fast

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *zznightxhawk (01), Sep 5, 2011.

  1. Hit the reset button. Gives you 50 bil right away 
  2. Turn your iPod upside down. Your gold is now facing the east direction
  3. Step 1) get out of the basement
    Step 2) go to wallmart
    Step 3) ask for a job
    Three steps to making money
  4. Ya, reseting gives you the most gold

    Disclaimer: we are lying and could get banned for this so I am putting a disclaimer giving you fair warning, DO NOT TRY THIS if you want to lose gold
  5. to make some easy money do quests until u run out of troops. then put all the money into an ally. ally gets bought. buy nother ally. that ally gets bought, etc. do not waste nobility pts and crystals on quests wait for full regen. yes it takes awile but oh well.
  6. i reccomend to save up in allies however much your next land or upgrade on a building is. for example lets say your next land costs 20k have at least 20k in allies.
  7. u can also attack/steal from people.
  8. but if u decide to do that try not to farm bc people get pissed about it.
  9. Goldensun,
    Are you really a good person to go to for advice...? With your stats?
  10. I can only teach you how to make west money. East money is a secret.
  11. And I only know south money
  12. I can make east northeast money!
  13. ....east money.... I don't actually know, if you find out please tell me.
  14. The easiest way to make money is to either hit an EB(Epic Battle) or PWar(Plunder War). Also having max plunder helps!
  15. Pick a noob: any noob!
  16. Pws with max osfs 