I'm a noob. I'm wondering on how to get money fast/easy. I've already been invited to clans, earned a couple million bucks from that but I'm still wanting more money so I can improve my kingdom! Help?
.. Do eb based on stats ..once 1m cs with att do hauntings. Before though, but guilds put them on all lowlands. Put one balanced building. Buy a 10bil ally. Save up 13 bil and convert guilds to Coe lvl 3 over time, then buy guilds on highland till alchemist. Then save up, buy land, and place buildings
For your size, try getting into the item phase of TFO's. They pay good. Once you get to max plunder. Move onto ambush.
Umm...okay. It's a lot more work but you could grow poppies and make opium. Just sell crack. Much easier.
Do the double gold EBs if you can hit them, do Ambush if you can't. Hire a few hundred million worth of allies to get to max plunder before you build anything else. After that I'd say just make guilds until your fourth highland. By then you should have an idea what build you want. You can convert the buildings on the first 25 lands to something stronger if you wish, or wait until you have most of the highlands to convert. Just make sure you stay at max plunder and stay active, you'll grow. Don't worry too much about stats yet, get land.