Not exactly. In some wars, the #2 or 3 person get te most. But as a general rule More actions= more mith
If you are using an osf on the other side your mith payout will be minimal. You get the best payouts fighting against attack builds using pots.
It's obviously not the MOST actions gets most mith because scouting a bunch of times doesn't equal a lot of mith.... Anyways, the war ended and the mith payout sucked. I think a mithwar can work better if OSF carries 6 or 7 lower def pots and hitters use pots as necessary to win. But that is just a thought
Even osf with Max pots = crap mith payout. You need to be fighting against attack builds to max mith pay out.
Here's something to think about. I was in a training war some time back. I got 8.8B plunder and 22 free miths. Roughly 440M per mith, which is the cost of mith when I buy it from the alchemist.
Oh let me correct myself there 400m per mith which is the cost of mith the last time it went on sale. Not this recent sale.
Join a mwar that has attack builds on the other side with no spies and scout bomb them every hour. This will maximize your actions.
Mith wars pay crap regardless if osf has full pots and you hit with full pots. 12 hour mith war i tested, full pots and hit hard mith payout around 6-8. A better way to earn mith would be a system war, but payout is still usually poor as people fight from pin, so difficult to get a high number of actions in.
Mith wars suck the most I've seen any1 get was 26. It just a wast of time. But ull get was exp ๎enjoy๎๎
I have to agree DHD they are pointless. Especially when you can buy mith. All the time wasted in a mwar you would make double that in a couple hauntings.