how do I get equipment?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *uhPrize (01), Jan 31, 2013.

  1. I'm fairly "nooby" (started like 2 days ago) how do I get equipment
  2. Epic battles have a chance to drop equipment. Try looking for a clan doing epic battles suit to your stats OR you can spend a crap ton of mith and buy the pieces.
  3. Do nml , destroyer, tgl,tbo,tocand the top ebs for attack and hit more that 300+ hits and use very much itwlems
  4. If he just started y even mention tier 7 ebs? Grow to at least 1m cs before u start item hunting. Look at wulf's grand equipment guide for more info on what eb's drop which items.
  5. Note: even 1m cs is bad to start item hunting.. I did it.. Once u get one its addicting 
  6. Will he could do reocking to get a item from it but they are random too :)
  7. Do osw, that means just hit the battle list, get in trouble and fight the enemy clan with yours until they surrender.
    If you know how to do this, do EBs, then you will get some equipment.
  8. Two types of equipment:

    1) Mith Equipment which is bought from the alchemist (I think) Go to the marketplace and look. This will cost mithril to purchase which is gained by fighting, and winning wars.
    2) Epic Battle Equipment. This equipment will randomly drop whenever an epic battle is completed. Each epic battle will have different drops.
  9. Don't bump threads with their question already answered. :roll: