How do i build Hybrid???

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Colonel_Of_SAF, Apr 9, 2012.

  1. I looked at the examples but still couldnt understand what they meant. Teach me please
  2. By building a little bit of everything. For example: by having your attack, defense, spy attack, spy defense stats almost equal.
  3. Build some troops buildings. Build some spy buildings. That's it, just have some of each.
  4. When you get stronger and have HLBC its pretty simple.

    On highlands:

    All spy builds

    On lowlands:
    All mid builds (with same stat bonus for the build)


    When this is done, the results of the stats are equal

    Attack: 2,000,000
    Defense: 2,000,000
    Spy Attack: 1,900,000
    Spy Defense: 1,900,000
  5. Just keep making more and more threads about building hybrids. When you log on one day, it will just be there.
  6. And if you go with fuzzy's build. You can pretty much guarantee you'll be an open farm for almost anybody.
  7. Fuzzy, that's one type of hybrid, but a hybrid can have a vast range of stats as long as yet have at least about 5 of both troops and spy buildings.
  8. Teach me how to dougie
    T-t-teach me how to dougie
  9. Hybrids. Jack Of All Trades, Master of none.
  10. I think when you had the "worthless" account name, it fit you the best Crayon.
  11. Coming from CorkSoaker? BedWetter would be best for you
  12. At J3acon, I was just making an example of one
  13. Do my hybrid I'm shootin for 2 mil combined spy stats and the rest will be balanced :D
  14. Better off aiming for around 900k spy attack and 1.2m or so in spy defense. For attack my either Foundries and Circles or Titans and Circles. Don't mix Titans and Foundries unless your a super noob.
  15. Lol he can do whatever he likes
  16. i made a post regarding hybrid builds pls feel free to take a look. under the subject "hybrids"

    for hansel hybrid u can hav up to max 24.9% of yr opened lands wi atk bldg. eg if u hlbc, u hav 44 opened land and u can only hav 10 atk bldgs max. cus if u hav 11 atk bldg (exactly 25%) u will void the hansel machanics and lose all the benefits and characteristics of a hansel and deem a hitter build.

    for hybrid hitter, u need min 25.1% of all opened lands to be spy buildings. eg if hlbc u hav 44 opened land and min 12 of those needs to be spy bldg. hybrid hitters hav the additional advantage of being able to hit hansels even when they 0 gold till their trp goes below 20%

    hope this helps
  17. Bloodlust provided some very good info there.