How do I become an OSF?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Kubeto (01), Jun 14, 2010.

  1. How do I become an OSF? I want to know like what kind of build I need and what exactly I have to do.
  2. Pure spy , land complete and if u want all lv4 guild(not needed
  3. how do I let them farm me? and how do I make cash?
  4. ok how do I let people attack me?
  5. Post wc open for hits
  6. I mean do I need a forge or something?
  7. All I have is guilds, will they still be able to attack?
  8. how do I stop them from farming me?
  9. When u run out f money look kid u become a osf to GET farmed
  10. People told me that they cant attack me
  11. If you have gold out, they can attack you.
    If you have no gold out, they can't attack you.
    If your stats are too high and you arn't at war with them they can't hit you.
    If your stats are too low and you arn't at war they can't hit you.
    If you have a troop building up you can be hit at 0 gold but they can't hit you if you are at low troops aka 'pinned'.
  12. Also cor if he's below 20% spies he's pinned
  13. And the OSF official group is 5 hits EACH. You can always not be OSF group for unlimited hits.