How do hansels make more money than attack builds?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by RookieBrook, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. How do hansels make more money than attack builds?I hit tfo alot and a hansel who cs is lower than mines got more plunder than me. I hit 100 more times than her. And i have higher tav her name is ladyaura. Plz tell me
  2. They probably have more lands even though a lower CS. More lands equals more buildings, which usually means more plunder.
  3. But fear not you will be stronger you earn more from ebs if you hit troops to 50% then let it regen to 75% bring it down to 65%
  4. Maybe she was skim hitting. And anyway, hansels always make more on eb's than any other build.
  5. Lol wrong. I make 20 mil a hit. On haunts. I'd love to see me make more than any other build.
  6. @care bear but what do your drops from haunts look like?
  7. It's magic
  8. 800~900 per unload lol the usual unless I skim.
  9. I get 52m a assassination on haunts. If I skim hit my bonus can be upto 5-6b with a respectable amount of items in there too.
  10. Plus I make around 21m plunder on troop attacks on haunts. I don't tend to hit eb's with troops though cos 30-40m a hit on a OSF is better money. Plus I don't need any pots to get through.
  11. Do that too , but Osf not always open so it sucks. Shout out to legs though! Beast.
  12. Hybrids make most off ebs! Lol
  13. Attack builds plunder decreases more because its based on amount of troops so as troops decrease plunder does, but hansels keep around the same amount every hit as the spy buildings somewhat increases your ally bonus used, and so since only one attack building it decreases by a lesser amount
  14. Hansels have to skim him with spies too. My first hit is worth around 51m and my last assassination is only worth around 2m or something (I've never checked) but it does go drastically low.
  15. And my private farm is always open. It's good when I find a OSF on wc though. They pay 25-30% more per hit for me.
  16. Sharpshooter Handel's make more gold during an eb than an attack will is because attacks get their plunder during the eb. For example. I make 20m my first hit on attack. Well an attack with the same cs as me will make 40m on his first hitl. Attacks make more during the eb and Handel's get their plunder after. Hope this helped!
  17. Hansels get all plunder from ally's. their first in last hit are almost the same. When I unload, my first hit is 37.4m my last hit is like 25-26m. My hansel hits 22.4m first hit and 21m last hit. Just think if attack builds are like that
  18. Skimming spies gives hansel beat plunder.