How can you tell if someone is over or under priced

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by HaZe, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. is there a chart or something to let you know if someone is over or under priced
  2. I go by every billion should be at least Ten thousand attack and defense.
  3. You Can use the thread titled "Ally Market" by HAV0C. It explains to look at the stats of the player at a higher value (just a little higher) to the price you want to buy and the same with a lower value (just a little lower).

    Example: you wanna buy a 1b ally. Look at ally prices at 1.2b's stats, and 800m ally stats. Then find best match for a 1b ally stats.
  4. By looking at their stats and looking at how much they cost.....
  5. that's a pretty accurate base:). Also spies come a little more expensive generally. But you will find prices all over with them so hard to really pinpoint FMV. I would guess @ 6-8k per Bil
  6. Doh. The arrows were referring to squish. And still after the other posts remains the best answer:)
  7. So.. For a 0/0/800k/800k ally you'd pay 100b for? I wouldn't.. Don't go for that stuff when you hit higher numbers.
  8. so tht would mean im underpriced?
  9. @slayer i'd agree, but OP there's also a decent market for 1-2bil allies with 20-30k attack, you just need to search. the thread I find slightly confusing even if the concept isn't. for higher priced 30bil , you could ask clan members but as long as the ally is active, they'll get hired soon anyway
  10. @slayer
    Actually search around and you will find 1.6M comb spy stats for 100B is a fair price. You find me one with equal or higher stats than that for less than 100B and I will buy now!! (I would hope we take being active into the mix also:)
  11. @Haze hansels are usually more expensive for the same cs. I wouldn't say you were underpriced
  12. I just feel like laughing.
  13. thanks for your input....
  14. thx for clearing tht up for me everyone
  15. I believe 1bil-10bil is now an acceptable price for Tutorial Stat noobs. :p
  16. I think 150k stats should be around 4-5 bil :)