You Can use the thread titled "Ally Market" by HAV0C. It explains to look at the stats of the player at a higher value (just a little higher) to the price you want to buy and the same with a lower value (just a little lower). Example: you wanna buy a 1b ally. Look at ally prices at 1.2b's stats, and 800m ally stats. Then find best match for a 1b ally stats.
that's a pretty accurate base. Also spies come a little more expensive generally. But you will find prices all over with them so hard to really pinpoint FMV. I would guess @ 6-8k per Bil
So.. For a 0/0/800k/800k ally you'd pay 100b for? I wouldn't.. Don't go for that stuff when you hit higher numbers.
@slayer i'd agree, but OP there's also a decent market for 1-2bil allies with 20-30k attack, you just need to search. the thread I find slightly confusing even if the concept isn't. for higher priced 30bil , you could ask clan members but as long as the ally is active, they'll get hired soon anyway
@slayer Actually search around and you will find 1.6M comb spy stats for 100B is a fair price. You find me one with equal or higher stats than that for less than 100B and I will buy now!! (I would hope we take being active into the mix also