I have 1coe lvl3 .what should i do so that i can hit in haunting?without spells or pots.what should i build?
You're going to be stuck using pots until you either add more attack buildings AND/OR get more equipment that adds attack (dia. Sword/bow for instance). A large bonus from allies would also help, but it's a ton easier to get the sword and bow.
Keep growing! Use seal of deflection on pot phase and make more of a bonus at the end. You'll grow much quicker!
You will probably find that the increase damage from using pots (7.5m attk pot would b a good bet) will result in a bigger bonus at the end covering the cost of the pots, try experimenting different pots work out what's more cost effective
Get a bow, and swords, I could hit it 16 times before it even started using more troops, i had 7 CF L3 and a bow, Find tgls and use spells to hit, itll be worth it, after you get a bow, either go for fods,and get a sword, or skip to haunts and upgrade, i have had a bow since 2m cs, i had like 5-7 CF and got lucky i guess, you must use spells on the tgl though, or spend tons in pots, just use the 1mith atk and spy spell,
Op, didn't you make a thread exactly like this last night, that was sufficiently answered and locked?