How an OSW is Supposed to be.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Fool_Cooker, Oct 29, 2014.

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  1. First off. When you declare yourselves an osw clan but the only action received is via occasional strips, it's not reaaaaaly a war. It's a hit hte to bank, strip, hit hte to bank, strip. Funnel funds around to terror strips. Where's the fighting the enemy for the gold? Really putting in effort to hurt the enemies pride? Where's the honour gone from war? Clans that war like this, not mentioning any names but I'm sure a few of you will take this personally and that itself will speak volumes about your character, about the way you "claim" to be an "OSW" clan. But the sad truth is, you don't have the heart to hit your opponent so hard and fast they have no choice but to beg for a cf, this makes your whole claim a farce, nothing but a tall tale. Maybe you were an osw clan. But not anymore. You have lost the spirit. The thrill of the fight. It's a shame. You could have been great... But to those who do fight with integrity, I commend you. There are few warriors left in kaw. And some of them are still around, some I even call my friends, go so far as to say family. Maybe one day, certain clans will realise that they aren't glorious or renown amongst the KaWmunity, they are a faded joke. Feigning interest in a war they don't have the courage to end. Just to keep up appearances.
  2. Pin wars are long gone. Taking 10t in allies demoralizes your enemy more then being attacked. It's how wars are fought nowadays.
  3. I stopped reading when I realized op was a noob. That occurred in line 3-4.

    "Where is the hitting enemy for gold"

    In osw, you don't hit enemy for gold. You hit enemy to do damage. Unfortunately In today's kaw, you really don't do much damage just hitting them non stop, because nobody keeps much gold out. Damage is done with big strips now. When you lose 20T in one strip, or strip someone of 20T , you will see my point.

    Especially now that barely any osw has an official winner. Almost every big osw in the last 2 years has been a mutual cf. oG's surrender to WDGAF being the exception.
  4. You make gold, bank in allies, allies are stripped, your gold is gone. How is this not fighting for gold?
  5. support.
  6. I've lost nearly 2t in allies in the last 4-5 months from strips. Yeah it hurts, but not as much as not being able to fight back, no gold for pots, no allies. When your fighting against 100 or more. There is no reason not to hit or get hit. It's gold lost, but you can make a good 40b easily in a few days from farming your targets. That goes towards strips. Buying their allies with their own gold and taking it back. That's what I'm talking about. An art form is dying

    You will have to forgive my errors in the original post, passion rarely leaves time for coherent thought.
  7. Has aow/bh been in osw for 4-5months alrdy oo?
  8. I was in osw previous to joining this. I was in iG against veratis
  9. Ahh so ur a runner from ig to aow? Got it
  10. Keep the troll mate, I walked away due to rl, and when I came back a few weeks later, I rejoined my old clan, with some really good people, with family. We fight with integrity. How do your standards measure up?
  11. You quit mid osw, then started playing again out of the first osw.

    Sounds like a war runner to me.
  12. Not much integrity if you ask me lol...
  13. Haha if you spoke to a friend who was a leader in the enemy clan I'm sure she would verify my whereabouts. Just so happened I was clanmates with when I first started. Surely my integrity remains because I was granted leave. By both sides. How does that effect my integrity again? You seem to be missing the point with your useless trolls.
  14. Once aow allways aow  bh 
  15. lol im terrible lol target = bh
  16. Well I hope your "rl" events don't happen mid osw again so you can leave and rejoin in a eb clan again lol
  17. Lock thread please
  18. Locked per OP's request
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