How about this?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by warrior01234, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. Hi forumers!!!

    Since you find my ideas useless Ive decided that this will have many supports

    I realy HATE waiting 15 minutes for an EB to start so how about this?

    I know you all hate waiting for an EB to start so how about reducing the time needed for an EB to load such 5 to 2 minutes (feel free to correct the time)?
  2. It's so you regen troops from last and can't spam a warbeasts for stuff. It won't and shouldn't be changed.
  3. If you unload you can use an xtal before eb and if you havent unload in new
  4. No support

    Hit battle list or find an inactive farm. You could even leave the clan and go hit another eb that has already started.
  5. U-usless? Lock please
  6. Useless... It's meant to be a time to regen...
  7. 15 minutes is a time to regen. What's the pint of starting an EB where no one has troops or spies. And how many threads have you made these past few days? Honestly, think about what you write before posting it.
  8. Point* I blame you iPhone. My spelling is always perfection.
  9. Try reading around forums, and seeing if this idea has already been suggested. If it was suggested, and taken well, leave it alone. If you see an idea that wasn't received well by the community, and you believe that you can word it differently or revise it into something we may support, than try it. But don't make any threads for awhile. Sit back and learn a little first.
  10. Warrior, why keep making threads if everyone finds them useless? Every idea you have shelled out, it has been mentioned before. You are now just spamming forums. Please try and come up with something original before your next post.