I will show you how 2 create a successful advertisement you should get emoji (free) WC ADVERTISEMENT Ex. join my clan 1. capitalize letters Ex. JOIN MY CLAN 2. Tell more such as current epic Ex. JOIN MY CLAN DOING DEPRAVED 3. Tell the clan name and offer incentive such as cash Ex. JOIN MY CLAN THE SAYAINS DOING THE DEPRAVED COME GET UR CASH 4. Use emoji 2 draw attention 2 it JOIN MY CLANTHE SAYAINSDOING THE DEPRAVEDCOME GET UR CASH ppl r more likely 2 see an advertisement like that than 'hire me good stats' WALL ADVERTISEMENT Here u will want 2 create a slogan It can be simple such as 'we r... the sayains!' Combine it with wall art, u can put it on the bottom, top, or side Ex. we r... The sayains U also can make something like this Ex. apply 4 the sayains lots of cash n epicscool titles come on over it can be larger but it is generally good 2 keep it short and persuading Have fun ppl of KAW also we r... The sayains JOIN US! Have fun guys! (watch ppl r gonna b hating like crazy)
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